College tuition is on the rise, student loans are ballooning out of control, and the inflexibility of on-campus learning makes it nearly impossible for some students to go to college. Still, a college degree remains the single most important aspect to gaining more career opportunities and higher paying jobs. Despite the dismal reality facing many college graduates, those who hold college degrees stand a significantly higher chance of achieving career success. Oddly enough, with all the job seekers out there, many positions go unfilled because of a lack of skilled workers.

So why is college education not syncing up with a skilled work force? Perhaps the entire higher education system is, in part, to blame. Traditional on-campus universities are still extremely beneficial for some students. The problem, however, is that they do not benefit every student. Take the kid from Nigeria, the neglected student from Chicago or the single mom – how do these types of students find the resources they need to create their own opportunities? The answer may lie in online education. Online education is not a new concept. The first online class was conducted by the University of Phoenix back in 1989. But with today’s technological advancements, anyone with Internet access and a few hours a day can learn highly marketable skills through online lectures, message boards, and even videoconferencing.
Online education is no longer just an option when all else fails, it is the first choice for many talented students who may otherwise have been overlooked by traditional universities. And it’s not just the students benefiting from online education, it’s the colleges as well! Almost two-thirds of traditional campus schools are now offering distance learning programs to cut costs and fill in the gaps where classroom education falls short. As online education continues to expand, it’s gaining recognition and legitimacy in the eyes of employers as well. Education is changing, and it’s changing fast. Where is it headed? Just about everywhere and to everyone. With online education making is possible for any motivated individual to earn a college degree, we may just be on the cusp of a much needed education revolution.