Last Saturday, May was the day we are asked to pick-up our course materials in our respective learning centers. As for me, I picked up my course materials at the UP Manila Learning Center. I did not expect that those modules would be very bulky to think that I enrolled in four courses. My mom came with me, as she will have a talk during the general orientation about her experiences as a UPOU student. Everyone in the learning center is in a hurry since the general orientation would start in a few minutes. The general orientation was held at the College of Public Health Auditorium still in UP Manila.

A problem with the LCD and laptop that will be used in the said orientation caused everything to be delayed. After a few minutes (or an hour) of trying to solve the technical problem, they all gave up and proceeded with the program without those things. Dean Fe Mendoza of the Faculty of Management and Developmental Studies is with Professor Juvey to facilitate the said orientation. The programs offered in UPOU together with the different academic policies were discussed during the said orientation. Questions coming from the new students were also entertained. On the other hand, my mom had a talk about her experiences as a UPOU student. She also shared a couple of tips on how to be a successful UPOU Student. You can view the video below. Just pardon my shaky hands and my crazy camera. Nevertheless, I think everything is viewable.
The general orientation ended at around 11 in the morning.
I attended an orientation about MOODLE and the UPOU webmail at the Lara Hall of UP Manila. Moodle serves as our virtual classroom. It works just like a traditional classroom but the difference is everything is done online. Prof. Juvey facilitated the said orientation where she thought us on how to create our own UPOU e-mail address and how to enter our course site (or virtual classroom). The orientation ended at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. After the orientation, our enrollment keys were distributed. An enrollment key is required in entering a certain course site for the first time. Since the trend nowadays is open and distance learning, one can take MBA programs on the comforts of his/her home.